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Traverse Town
A world created by the remnants of planets destroyed by the heartless. Traverse Town is a haven for people made refugees by the heartless. The town is in perpetual night with a beautiful view of the stars. Traverse Town is divided into three different districts and is the home world for The Resistance, an organization created by Leon to fight the heartless. As more and more worlds are destroyed by the heartless, the town becomes bigger and The Resistance stronger.

1st District.
The commercial district for Traverse Town, the 1st district has a shop for all the needs of the inhabitants. It is the safest of all the districts, with minimal heartless sightings. Before the formation of The Resistance, most residents found it easier to live here. The 1st district is connected to the 2nd and 3rd district as well as an exit to gummi ships for those who own one.
2nd District.
The residential district for Traverse Town, the 2nd district has become the main living area for the inhabitants since The Resistance started to patrol for heartless. The hotel is open for refugees until they can find a more suitable housing. The Gizmo shop, at the back of the district, has a large clock tower on the roof with additional housing underneath. The 2nd district leads to the 1st and 3rd district as well as a waterway that has become a training ground for The Resistance.
3rd District.
The headquarters for The Resistance, the 3rd district is where all the members come to report any sightings of heartless.The Resistance chose this district as their main base because of the vast amounts of heartless which seem to appear here. The district is composed on a large plaza, containing a water fountain, with various houses lining the edges of the plaza. The 3rd district leads to the 1st and 2nd district as well as the magician’s study for Merlin and the Fairy Godmother.

Icon. Details.
Name: Rebuilding Traverse Town.
Type: General RP
Alignment: Light.
Description: Traverse Town is under constant attack by and heartless and after the latest one repelled by the Resistance the town needs to be rebuilt. Help the Resistance out and they won’t be forgetting it anytime soon.
Requirements: 2+ chosen.
Rewards: 250 Munny and 2 Resistance Tokens.
Name: Heartless Attack.
Type: Battle
Alignment: Neutral.
Description: The Heartless continue their relentless attack against Traverse Town. Battle them back until they stop appearing.
Requirement: 3+ chosen.
Rewards: 25% boost to words + battle gains.
Name: Confused Destruction.
Type: General RP
Alignment: Dark.
Description: Being stuck in Traverse Town can be a real drag. Maybe during the next heartless attack you cause a little destruction of your own in the process, possible grab some stuff from evacuated houses. Better disguise yourself in case someone sees.
Requirements: 2+ chosen.
Rewards: 3 Potions, 300 Munny

H o m e p a g e.
R u l e s.
C r e a t i o n.
R a c e s.
C h o s e n.
F o r u m.
C l a s s e s.
O r g a n i z a t i o n.
M a g i c.
A b i l i t i e s.
A r m o r y.
S y n t h e s i s.
U n i v e r s e.