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Racial Techniques 

Because androids are artificial beings they have internal power supplies which allows them what seems like unlimited energy. These internal power cells allow the androids the special ability to not lose stamina when they perform attacks, but only when they are attacked, making androids very dangerous.
+ [ Prerequisites ]: none, gaining upon joining.
+ [ Stat information ]: no stamina loss from performing techniques.
Androids after number 18 have the ability to drain a warrior’s energy if a energy blast is fired at them, or if the android grapples an opponent. When absorbing a energy blasts energy, the android adds the total damage divided by — to their stamina allowing them to battle longer, however they must use this technique to absorb the blast. Doing this requires 2 actions of combat. When grappling an android can drain 1% of an opponent’s stamina and add it to thier own, this also takes 2 combat actions to perform.
+ [ Prerequisites ]: only androids 19 and 20 may use this tech unless they purchase the upgrade.
+ [ Requirements ]: takes 2 combat actions to use this technique. 
Because androids are not alive, they don’t need oxygen to survive, this allows these beings to freely travel through space without the need of a space pod or ship. Androids who happen to be caught in a situation that leaves them without oxygen will be fine, these include drowning, and planet destruction.
+ [ Prerequisites ]: none, gaining upon joining.
+ [ Travel Information ]: takes 1500 words to travel from planet to planet.

Racial Upgrades 

This update is for androids who were note made with the ability to drain energy through their hands. The upgrade allows any android the ability to use the Drain Energy racial technique which is detailed above. This update cannot be taught and must be purchased and then installed into an androids hands.
+ [ Purchase Info ]: costs 3000 zenni.
Androids have the ability to have a self repair system installed into thier body. These systems help cure and rebuild any lost limbs as well as help raise stamina if injured. The self repair system can restore 1% of stamina per round of combat, but to do this you must forfiet all actions and let the system run without any destractions.
+ [ Purchase Info ]: costs 6000 zenni.