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Guidelines > Battle System 

Dragonball Z sites are most well known for the intense combat that they produce, and that will be no different here on renewed faith, however rather then just supporting the standard freeform battle system that most dbz sites revolve around we have also devised a great strategic stat battle system for those who don’t always want to battle in the standard freeform system. Below you will find out all about the attribute and stat system of renewed faith.

Attributes, better known as stats play a very key role in both freeform and stat battling. Because of this we feel it is important to discuss the meaning and uses of each attribute so that members will not be confused about how they work. If you have any questions about any attributes direct them to the following board. [ link ]

Your character’s power level is all four of the main combat statistics below, not counting stamina, added together. Power level represents the overall power of the character and is used as the guideline for who is the strongest and to unlock transformations and other special skills at certain levels.

Stamina represents your character’s endurance in battle. Every action you perform, as well as every attack performed against you, will drain this stat in some way . When your stamina reaches 0 you will be knocked out and have lost the battle, at which point the winner of said battle can either let you live, or finish you off.

Strength represents how powerful your character’s physical attacks and actions are. Strength comes into play in dealing damage with physical techniques as well as when you perform an action or skill for which the main attribute is strength. It takes — stamina to perform a basic physical attack in combat. 
+ [ Basic Physical Attack ]: Strength – opponents defense = total damage
Ki represents your character’s spiritual energy, which when trained correctly can be harnessed and used in very powerful "energy" techniques which can be quite devastating. Ki is also used in many skills and techniques for which the main attribute is ki, such as flight and power up techniques. To use any ki based attacks you must first learn the [ harness Ki ] skill and then begin your training in learning ki based attacks. A list of ki based attacks can be found [ here ]
Defense is your character’s physical and spiritual defensive stat which is used to determine how much damage opponents’ attacks total. Defensive techniques and skills also use this stat as multipliers for their effects.
+ [ Basic Defense Use ]: Physical/Ki Attack/Tech – Defense = total damage dealt
The speed statistic represents how fast your character can move in and out of combat. In combat this stat will be used to determine who attacks first and at what rate, as well as be used to determine the effect of some skills. Out of combat it will mainly be used to determine travel speeds.

To be completely realistic we have implemented an ambush rule here on RF. On many dbz rpgs members can decline battles and simply play it safe, but in a realistic dbz world, that just doesn’t ever happen. Characters can ambush other characters providing they are in the same location. To do so, simply post the battle and the first attack,  if the opponent does not respond within a 24 hour period then they lose the battle. (it is the responibility character who is ambushing to inform the other of the battle, if this is not done, the ambush is nulled) If a manager decides that someone did not post on purpose to just avoid the ambush, raither then actually not knowing, then they may be subject to death from the ambushing character.

+ The character whose speed stat is the highest attacks first in combat.
+ How many actions you have to use in combat is based on your speed. You can find a chart of actions [ here ]
+ When your Stamina reaches zero you’re knocked out and can no longer perform any actions in combat.
+ In a battle containing teams all characters from one team must be knocked out for you to win.

Round actions are basically how many times you can do something per post of a battle. When you join you will only be able to perform one action per post, but as your speed stat grows you will soon be able to perform more then one action per post. Things you can do in your action are use a basic physical attack, a technique or skill, use an item, guard against an attack, or even attempt to flee combat, but each of these things takes at least one action to perform and the more actions you have at your disposal the better chances you have.
Techniques will be one of the most important combat actions that a player can perform. During your round, you can use a tech in place of any other action provided you meet all the requirements of the technique. As your character levels up you will gain more and more actions per round, and some techniques take a certain number of actions to power up and use while others may only take one action.
Items can play a major role in combat, from the use of a senzu bean to raise your character’s stamina to the use of defensive and offensive attack items which can increase how much defense or strength your character has for his next attack. Using an item only takes one action per round so collecting them and planning their uses out wisely can really make or break a warrior on the battle field.
Guarding is one of the best things any character can do if they are face to face with a powerful foe. Guarding takes one action and is usually best used as the last action in combat so that when your opponent attacks you’ll be ready for it and take less damage. When you guard you’re defensive stat is increased x2 against the next attack performed by an opponent. Fleeing is also a great action to have if your face to face with that same for and it becomes obvious that you can’t win the battle. To flee combat you simply must out roll you opponents (one roll against each if your in a multiple person battle) on a d10 (`roll 10 in chat). if you roll higher you sucessfully flee.