m a g i c  i n t r o d u c t i o n
magic is one of the most useful abilities a character can have, and while not something most people cause use (unless they are a sorceress) the junctioning of a guardian force will allow a character to then cast magic spells. this section of the study panel will detail how to acquire magic spells, how they are stocked in your inventory, and how you can use them in combat. if you have any questions concerning magic please feel free to post the on our ( questions board )

d r a w  s y s t e m  i n t r o d u c t i o n
the draw system is the overall rule structure for how to obtain and stock magic spells, since starting characters on final fantasy viii will not have any magic spells to start out with. there are two different ways you can draw magic, please continue reading for detailed instructions on how to do so.
d r a w i n g  i n  c o m b a t
one of the most common ways to obtain magic via the draw system is in combat (note: draw does not work on player vs. player combat) with beasts and bosses. to draw magic you must first have a guardian force junctioned to your character with the draw command. in combat you can use the draw command to take a look at the magic spells the enemy knows then decide between two options, those being…
›› ( draw to cast ) :: ( drawing to cast does not stock magic bust casts the chosen spell right away. )
›› ( draw to stock ) :: ( stocks a random number of the spell in your inventory, amount determined by the DM )
d r a w  p o i n t s  e x p l a i n e d
the second and final way to draw magic is from draw points, which are areas through out the vast would which have a strong magic presence which can be drawn out in the form of spells. draw points do have some limits, one being some take a long time to refill after being drawn from. draw points must be drawn from IN RP and at the end of the RPing session when you request your update make sure to note the draw points, the DM will then randomly assign how many spells you were able to draw as part of the update.

u s i n g  m a g i c  i n  c o m b a t
using magic in combat is a fairly simple task, obviously unless you are a sorceress you must first have the magic command junctioned. once it is junctioned you must then have a stock of magic spells to choose from. each spell has it’s own effect which can be found in the ( magic section ) of the website. some spells are offensive for which the basic formula can be seen below, others cause other effects which are detailed with the spell in the magic database. make sure you read up on spells before you cast them or they may have a negative effect on you or your party.
›› ( formula ) :: ( magic x spell multiplier = magic attack )

s t o c k i n g  m a g i c  e x p l a i n e d
stocking magic is a main goal for any strong character, and while the concept is not hard to understand it is important to know that you can only have a total of 32 different spells at each time and of those spells you can only stock up to 100 each. stock magic by drawing from draw points located all around the world often and by drawing from beasts and bosses in combat, you can never have to much magic.

j u n c t i o n i n g  m a g i c
as detailed on the ( junction system ) page in this study panel, magic is key to the overall effect of the junction system. it is very easy to customize a very powerful character depending on the type and number of spells you have stocked paired with junction abilities your guardian forces have learned. the math behind junctioning magic to your stats, attack, and defense can be complicated so we have created two tools to help you with the task. the first tool is the main ( junction calculator ) which is used for junctioning magic spells to increase your character’s attributes. the second is the ( elem/stat calculator ) which is used to apply elemental and status effects to your attacks and defense. take some time to play around with the tools and you may discover great ways to boost your characters combat effectiveness.