w e l c o m e  t o  f f v i i i :  a n n i h i l a t i o n
As the statement above notes, welcome to ffviii: annihilation, a RPG based on the popular Squaresoft RPG Final Fantasy VIII. This RPG is unique in it’s design and arrangement, focusing on story narrative and character progression through a dungeon mastered campaign which brings true interactivity, puzzles, and adventure to the players in a way no other Final Fantasy VIII RPG has ever attempted. New members please take the time to read all of the sections here in the study panel and then if you are not familiar with the events of Final Fantasy VIII proceed to the ( encyclopedia ) to engross yourself in the history and realism of the world which your character will soon inhabit.

r u l e s  t o  r e m e m b e r
Below is a list of very basic rules that all players and management should follow at all times here on ffviii: annihilation. Make sure you read and understand each of these before continuing on to the more in depth parts of the study panel.
›› ( o1 ) :: ( please be aware this RPG is intended to be safe for all ages, label any ‘mature’ RPing threads correctly. )
›› ( o2 ) :: ( players are only allowed to RP one character at a time, no exceptions. )
›› ( o3 ) :: ( power gaming will get you banned, don’t over do what your characters ability really is. )
›› ( o4 ) :: ( no pornographic images or links should be posted here ever, you will be IP banned without warning. )
›› ( o5 ) :: ( respect the other players, any OOC fights should be taken elsewhere and are not wanted here. )
›› ( o6 ) :: ( affiliation requests should be posted on the general board and nowhere else. )
›› ( o7 ) :: ( and finally, have fun, this RP was designed for that reason alone. )

w o r d  c o u n t s  e x p l a i n e d
For any solo or group role-playing which does not feature a DM you will be awarded experience based on the number of words you write, for most of you this should be familiar but if not just make sure to keep track of the words and make them available to the updater when you request your update. If you don’t already have a word counter of choice we have one hosted here on CPN which is located directly above every page which you are free to use.
d i c e  r o l e s  e x p l a i n e d
Dice rolling can be an important part of combat here on ffviii: annihilation and while most of the time a DM will be present and do any rolling you need for you on request there may be times when you need to roll yourself, if that is the case just make sure to roll within the right limits based on whatever you are rolling for. CPN hosts a dice roller next to the word counter on every page which logs your rolls so you cannot cheat.