t o o l  i t e m s  l i s t i n g
many various items can be considered "tool" items, which mostly means that they have absolutely no combat usefulness but when refining or upgrading equipment they become very useful as they tend to all have several uses outside of combat.

item information refinement information **
name description ability number refines to…
m-stone piece stone fragment with some magic power t mag-rf/i mag-rf/f mag-rf/l mag-rf/time mag-rf/st mag-rf/supt mag-rf 1 (all) 5 thunder/5 blizzard/5 fire/5 cure/5 slow/5 silence/5 esuna
magic stone a stone with magic power t mag-rf/i mag-rf/f mag-rf/l mag-rf/time mag-rf/st mag-rf/supt mag-rf 1 (all) 5 thundara/5 blizzara/5 fira/5 cura/5 haste/5 berserk/5 dispel
wizard stone a stone with strong magic power t mag-rf/i mag-rf/f mag-rf/l mag-rf/time mag-rf/st mag-rf/supt mag-rf 1 (all) 5 thundaga/5 blizzaga/5 firaga/5 curaga/5 stop/5 bio/20 dispel
ochu tenticle a strong, flexible tenticle st med-rf/st mag-rf 1/1 3 eyedrops/30 blind
healing water water with a strong life force recov med-rf/tool-rf/gf recov med-rf/l mag-rf 1 (all) 2 hi-potion/2 tent/2 g-hi-potion/20 cura
cockatrice pinion a feather with petrifying power st med-rf/st mag-rf 1/1 3 soft/20 break
zombie powder powder with zombie properties st med-rf/l mag-rf 1/1 3 holy water/20 zombies
lightweight shoes that make you feel light on your feet gfabl med-rf/time mag-rf 100/1 accelerator/20 haste
sharp spike a long, sharp claw ammo-rf 1 10 ap ammo
screw used heavily in weapon modification ammo-rf 1 8 normal ammo
saw blade a serrated saw blade l mag-rf/supt mag-rf 1/1 10 death/20 dispel
mesmerize blade a long sharp, curved blade recov med-rf/gf recov med-rf/l mag-rf 1 (all) 2 mega-potion/g-hi-potion/20 regen
vampire fang long hollow bat fang supt mag-rf 1 20 drain
fury fragment a stone fragment that contains morale tool-rf/supt mag-rf 1/1 2 aura stone/5 aura
betrayal sword sword used by the beast known as forbidden st med-rf/st mag-rf 1/1 remedy/20 confuse
sleep powder a powder that can induce sleep st med-rf/st mag-rf 1/1 remedy/20 sleep
life ring a ring with a powerful life force recov med-rf/gf recov med-rf/l mag-rf 1 (all) 2 phoenix down/2 g-returner/20 life
dragon fang a dragon’s fang with a strong life force st med-rf/gfable med-rf/supt mag-rf 1/100/1 remedy/med kit/20 esuna
** some items can be refined by more then on ability into various items, this will be shown separate using a backslash ( / )