t r i p l e  t r i a d  i n t r o d u c t i o n
triple triad is a very popular trading card game which is played through out the would of final fantasy viii. as your characters adventure you will surely start to build a collection of these cards which can be used to play the game, to collect, or just simply to refine into items for your character. for a complete detailed explanation of the game please continue reading, if you wish to learn more about card refinement visit ( this page ), if you wish to start playing now you can find information on getting a starting deck ( here ). if you have any questions feel free to ask them on the ( questions board )

l e a r n i n g  t o  p l a y  t r i p l e  t r i a d
the game of triple triad is played on a 3×3 board with nine total spaces. each player must choose 5 cards and take turns placing them on the board in an attempt to ‘capture’ the other players cards. capturing cards is a simple process based on the four numbers shown on each card (one for each side of the card, with 1 being the lowest and A the highest). if any number on a side of one of your cards is higher then that on the touching side of an opponents card then you capture it. at the beginning of the game each player starts with 5 points, capturing a card adds a point while loosing a card subtracts one, whoever has the most points after all nine spots on the board are filled wins.
a d v a n c e d  r u l e s  e x p l a i n e d
the basic game is pretty simple, however if you are looking for a challenge then playing with advanced rules is the way to go. before any card battle both players should decide whether to play with advanced rules and if so which ones, if a decision can’t be made a moderator will randomly select the rules.

s a m e  r u l e  e x p l a i n e d
the same rule is one of the most basic of the advanced rules. when in effect the same rule captures cards when any sides have the matching number of the opponents cards adjacent side. when used correctly you can easily capture two cards at a time, for an example of the same rule in effect look at the image on the left, both of the opponents cards would be captured using the same rule as each share a 4 and 1 on touching sides.

p l u s  r u l e  e x p l a i n e d
when playing which the plus rule cards can be captured when numbers on two or more sides of your card when added to the adjacent numbers of your opponents cards add up to be the same. for an example take a look at the tutorial image one the left, notice how both touching sides of each cards (6+1 and 3+4) both add up to be 7 meaning both cards would be captured when playing with the plus rule.

c o m b o  r u l e  e x p l a i n e d
when a successful same or plus combination is used the combo rule comes into effect creating a chain reaction. using the example to the left we see a same combination take place with the red numbers, then you must look at all cards adjacent to the cards taken via same or plus combination, if any side has a higher number the the adjacent side then that card is also captured (notice the numbers in blue representing the captures here.

t r a d i n g  r u l e  e x p l a i n e d
at the end of a triple triad game the trading rules come into effect. before playing both players must choose a trading rule which determines which and how many of the losers cards the winner gets to take. below you will find detailed information about each of the four available trading rules.

›› ( one ) :: ( if the one rule is chosen the winner may take any one of the five cards the loser played with. )
›› ( direct ) :: ( the winner takes any of the opponents cards he/she captured during the game. )
›› ( difference ) :: ( the winner takes a number of cards equal to the difference in points at the end of the game. )
›› ( all ) :: ( the winner takes all of the cards the loser played with. )

o t h e r  r u l e  e x p l a i n e d
there are also several other rules that may come into play that are less complicated then the ones above, below you will find full descriptions of each of these rules. these rules play much like the advanced rules and should be decided on by both players before playing like with all of the other rules.

›› ( same wall ) :: ( like the same rule, except all board walls = A )
›› ( elemental ) :: ( some cards have elements, if placed on a board space with the same element all numbers are +1. )
›› ( random ) :: ( for added challenge players may request a moderator to select their cards for them at random. )
›› ( sudden death ) :: ( if the outcome of a battle is a draw the match restarts with each player controlling the cards they took in the first match. )