newmap.jpg picture by StrifeIgnition

t r a v e l i n g  t h e  w o r l d
with a world as vast, detailed, and alive as that of final fantasy viii it is only reasonable to assume people will want to travel and explore the settlements and dungeons that dot the landscape of the planet. traveling the world is an easy task that doesn’t require players to post a certain number of words; however they will be limited to the amount they can travel per day. any person traveling on foot is allowed to travel once per day and no more then that.

t r a i n s  c o n n e c t  t h e  w o r l d
when traveling by foot is just not possible or simply will take to long the best option becomes traveling via the train network that encompasses the planet. most all major cities and towns have a train station where you can my a ticket to any other city or town that also has one. tickets cost 3000 gil and are one way, you can travel via train as much as you like, so long as you make sure you have the funds to do so..

o t h e r  t r a v e l i n g  o p t i o n s
there are other options for travelers who do not wish to adventure by foot or train, those being renting a car or catching a chocobo (for more on chocobos please visit the chocobo page). renting a car is much like traveling via train, except you can travel to places that don’t have stations. renting a car costs 3000 gil and can transport you and your party anywhere on the continent it was rented on, and be used as many times as you like so long as you have fuel (one fuel lasts three trips).